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Superintendent’s message: COVID guidelines beginning March 12 / Mensaje del Superintendente: Pautas de Covid a partir del 12 de marzo

Posted on: March 3, 2022

Superintendent’s message: COVID guidelines beginning March 12

To our Albany schools community,

Beginning Saturday, March 12 masks will be optional in Greater Albany Public Schools and on our school buses. After two years of pandemic-related mandates and challenges, the state is shifting COVID mitigation strategies based on the evolving science and our knowledge of the virus. 

This transition to mask-optional will bring several changes to the district’s COVID response, and we understand those will be met with differing responses from our schools community. We urge our students and staff to treat each other with respect, especially when it comes to those who choose to wear a mask and those who do not. Our district will not tolerate bullying of any kind.

Some of the upcoming changes to the district’s COVID protocols are detailed below. It is worth noting, however, while the state has released the majority of guidance for K-12 schools, we anticipate further, in-depth guidance still to come. 

Contact tracing and quarantine
Contact tracing will no longer occur once the state mask mandate expires on March 12, 2022. For our schools, this means if there is a confirmed COVID case in a school no other students or staff will be considered close contacts or will need to quarantine. Additionally, quarantines will not be required for exposures which occur outside of school settings (i.e. household or community exposures to COVID). 

The state still requires a student or staff with confirmed COVID to isolate at home for a minimum of five days and until they are fever-free for at least 24 hours and their symptoms are significantly improved. Once the student or staff member returns, they are strongly recommended to wear a mask until they are on their 10th day of recovery from COVID. Students and staff experiencing primary symptoms of COVID are also required to stay home. The district will continue to communicate classroom exposures up to Spring Break.

Weekly screening testing available
In the absence of contact tracing, the district has partnered with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and WVT Laboratory to offer student screening COVID testing for interested families beginning Monday, March 7. Participation is voluntary and families may opt their students in or out at any time. This program provides additional access for students to get a PCR test at no cost on a weekly or as needed basis. The weekly screening testing is funded through OHA and private insurance will not be charged for the testing. For further information on the COVID screening testing program review this letter from the GAPS Health Services team, which includes a link to the test consent form.

Staff may participate in a similar screening testing program through OHA. Participation is voluntary and tests will be mailed directly to staff members’ homes. The tests may be returned for processing to your school’s WVT test bin, any WVT Laboratory testing location, or via mail. To sign up, visit this link. 

Exempt staff
The state requires school districts to have mitigation strategies to help protect unvaccinated  employees who have a medical or religious exemption for the COVID vaccine. Employees who have an exemption will no longer be required to wear a mask, however, the district will require continued weekly PCR COVID testing for eligible staff. Those in this category will receive further communication from GAPS HR Director Heather Huzefka.

State vaccine mandate still in place
It is important to note the state’s COVID vaccine mandate for both paid and unpaid education employees has not been lifted. This means GAPS will continue to require paid and unpaid employees of the district to be vaccinated or have a district-approved exemption to work in our schools. 

Additionally, some health safety measures which came about during COVID will remain. For example, ventilation improvements were completed in all buildings, and rapid COVID testing will continue to be available in schools for symptomatic students with a consent form to test on file. We encourage families to continue good health practices moving forward: wash your hands, cover your cough and sneezes, and if you feel sick, grab a mask.

We expect all GAPS students, staff, and anyone visiting or volunteering at our schools, programs, or properties to treat each other with civility, understanding, and respect during these changes. We are committed to honoring individual decisions around COVID safety including the use of masks. I encourage each of our GAPS families to have a conversation with their students respecting those decisions. Our district remains committed to ensuring our schools remain a welcoming place to be. 


Rob Saxton
Interim Superintendent

Mensaje del Superintendente: Pautas de Covid a partir del 12 de marzo

Para nuestra comunidad escolar de Albany:

A partir del sábado 12 de marzo, las máscaras serán opcionales en las Escuelas Públicas de Greater Albany y en nuestros autobuses escolares. Después de dos años de mandatos y desafíos relacionados con la pandemia, el Estado está cambiando las estrategias de mitigación de COVID, en función de la ciencia en evolución y nuestro conocimiento del virus.

Esta transición al uso opcional de máscaras, traerá varios cambios a la respuesta COVID del distrito, y entendemos que se encontrarán con diferentes respuestas de nuestra comunidad escolar. Instamos a nuestros estudiantes y personal a que se traten con respeto, especialmente cuando se trata de aquellos que eligen usar una máscara y aquellos que no. Nuestro distrito no tolerará la intimidación de ningún tipo.

Algunos de los próximos cambios en los protocolos COVID del distrito se detallan a continuación. Sin embargo, vale la pena señalar que, si bien el Estado ha publicado la mayor parte de la orientación para las escuelas de Kínder a 12° grado, anticipamos que aún habrá más orientación detallada.

Seguimiento de contactos y cuarentena
El rastreo de contactos ya no ocurrirá una vez que el mandato estatal de uso de mascarillas expire el 12 de marzo de 2022. Para nuestras escuelas, esto significa que, si hay un caso confirmado de COVID en una escuela, ningún otro estudiante o personal se considerará contacto cercano o deberá ponerse en cuarentena. Además, no se requerirán cuarentenas para exposiciones que ocurran fuera de los entornos escolares (es decir, exposiciones domésticas o comunitarias a COVID).

El Estado todavía requiere que un estudiante o miembro del personal con COVID confirmado, se aísle en casa durante un mínimo de cinco días y hasta que no tenga fiebre durante al menos 24 horas y sus síntomas mejoren significativamente. Una vez que el estudiante o miembro del personal regrese, se les recomienda encarecidamente que usen una máscara, hasta que estén en su décimo día de recuperación de COVID. Los estudiantes y el personal que experimentan síntomas primarios de COVID también deben quedarse en casa. El distrito continuará comunicando las exposiciones en el salón de clases hasta las vacaciones de primavera.

Pruebas de detección semanales disponibles
En ausencia de rastreo de contactos, el distrito se ha asociado con la Autoridad de Salud de Oregón (OHA por sus siglas en inglés) y el Laboratorio WVT Laboratory, para ofrecer a los estudiantes pruebas de COVID para las familias interesadas a partir del lunes 7 de marzo. La participación es voluntaria y las familias pueden optar por que sus estudiantes entren o salgan en cualquier momento. Este programa brinda acceso adicional para que los estudiantes obtengan una prueba de PCR sin costo semanal o según sea necesario. Las pruebas de detección semanales están financiadas a través de la OHA y no se cobrará a los seguros privados por las pruebas. Para obtener más información sobre el programa de pruebas de detección de COVID, revise esta carta del equipo de Servicios de Salud de GAPS, que incluye un enlace al formulario de consentimiento de la prueba.

El personal puede participar en un programa de pruebas de detección similar a través de la OHA. La participación es voluntaria y las pruebas se enviarán por correo directamente a los hogares de los miembros del personal. Las pruebas pueden devolverse para su procesamiento en el contenedor de pruebas WVT de su escuela, en cualquier ubicación de pruebas del laboratorio WVT o por correo. Para inscribirse, visite este enlace. 

Personal exento
El Estado requiere que los distritos escolares tengan estrategias de mitigación, para ayudar a proteger a los empleados no vacunados que tienen una exención médica o religiosa para la vacuna COVID. A los empleados que tienen una exención ya no se les exigirá que usen una máscara, sin embargo, el distrito requerirá pruebas PCR COVID semanales continuas, para el personal elegible. Aquellos en esta categoría recibirán más comunicaciones de la Directora de Recursos Humanos de GAPS, Sra. Heather Huzefka.

El mandato estatal de vacunas sigue vigente
Es importante tener en cuenta que no se ha levantado el mandato estatal de vacunación contra COVID tanto para los empleados de educación remunerados y no remunerados. Esto significa que GAPS seguirá exigiendo que los empleados del distrito, con y sin salario, se vacunen o tengan una exención aprobada por el distrito para trabajar en nuestras escuelas.

Además, se mantendrán algunas medidas de seguridad sanitaria que surgieron durante el COVID. Por ejemplo, se completaron las mejoras de ventilación en todos los edificios y las pruebas rápidas de COVID, seguirán estando disponibles en las escuelas para los estudiantes sintomáticos con un formulario de consentimiento para la prueba en el archivo. Alentamos a las familias a continuar con las buenas prácticas de salud en el futuro: lávese las manos, cubra su tos y estornudos, y si se siente enfermo, tome una máscara.

Esperamos que todos los estudiantes, el personal de GAPS cualquiera que visite o sea voluntario en nuestras escuelas, programas o propiedades se traten entre sí con cortesía, comprensión y respeto durante estos cambios. Estamos comprometidos a honrar las decisiones individuales sobre la seguridad de COVID, incluido el uso de máscaras. Animo a cada una de nuestras familias de GAPS a tener una conversación con sus estudiantes sobre el respeto de esas decisiones. Nuestro distrito sigue comprometido a garantizar que nuestras escuelas sigan siendo un lugar acogedor.


Rob Saxton
Superintendente Interino

Greater Albany Public Schools implemented the first Virtual Career Day / Las Escuelas Públicas de Greater Albany implementaron el primer Día Virtual de Profesiones

Posted on: March 2, 2022

On February 24, Greater Albany Public Schools implemented the first Virtual Career Day, combining all high schools into one event. This allowed all high school students the opportunity to listen to a multitude of career representatives, ask questions, and engage in discussion around a career after high school. 

“The collaborative approach to holding a district-wide Career Day provided a stream-lined way for business people to simultaneously engage with all three high schools,” said Albany Public Schools Foundations Executive Director Aimee Addison.

To put this event together, a GAPS Planning Committee was organized to reconstruct bell schedules, prepare teachers for career day instruction, and attract presenters from diverse professional careers. This planning committee also included representatives from Albany Public Schools Foundation and Mid Valley STEM-CTE Hub.

“There was a great variety of guest speakers from our community, so students were able to participate in relevant presentations in areas they were interested in learning more about,” said Secondary Lead Counselor Anna Harryman.

With a total of 45 virtual presenters, GAPS welcomed many community partners such as Jackson Street Youth Services, Linn-Benton Community College, Calapooia Watershed Council, and the Albany Fire Department. Each presenter had a different occupation to speak about including carpentry, biology, prevention, music studies, culinary arts, and many others. 

The planning committee also created and distributed evaluation forms for both students and staff to learn what worked best in each school and how to improve efforts for future collaborated events, virtual or in-person. 

“It was really great having the three high schools and the community come together to come up with a creative alternative to our traditional in-person career day,” Harryman said. “Thank you to the community partners who volunteered their day to share their expertise with our students, and for the teachers and staff who worked to make it all happen. I really appreciated how the students took the opportunity so seriously. It was a great day.”

career 2career 3


SP Career Day

El 24 de febrero, las Escuelas Públicas de Greater Albany implementaron el primer Día Virtual de Profesiones, combinando todas las escuelas preparatorias en un solo evento. Esto permitió a todos los estudiantes de preparatoria la oportunidad de escuchar a una multitud de representantes profesionales, hacer preguntas y participar en debates sobre una profesión después de la preparatoria.

“El enfoque de colaboración para celebrar un Día de Profesiones en todo el distrito, proporcionó una forma simplificada para que los empresarios se comprometieran simultáneamente con las tres escuelas preparatorias”, dijo la Sra. Aimee Addison, Directora Ejecutiva de las Fundaciones de las Escuelas Públicas de Albany.

Para organizar este evento, se organizó un Comité de Planificación de GAPS, para reorganizar los horarios, preparar a los maestros para la instrucción en el día del evento y atraer presentadores de diversas profesionales. Este comité de planificación, también incluyó representantes de las organizaciones como la Fundación de las Escuelas Públicas de Albany y Mid Valley STEM-CTE Hub.

“Hubo una gran variedad de oradores invitados de nuestra comunidad, por lo que los estudiantes pudieron participar en presentaciones relevantes en áreas sobre las que estaban interesados ​​en aprender más”, dijo la consejera principal de preparatoria Sra. Anna Harryman. 

Con un total de 45 presentadores virtuales, GAPS dio la bienvenida a muchos socios de la comunidad, como Jackson Street Youth Services, Linn-Benton Community College, Calapooia Watershed Council y el Departamento de Bomberos de Albany. Cada presentador tenía una ocupación diferente de la que hablar, incluyendo carpintería, biología, prevención, estudios musicales, artes culinarias y muchas otras.

El comité de planificación también creó y distribuyó formularios de evaluación, para que tanto los estudiantes, como el personal aprendan qué funcionó mejor en cada escuela y cómo mejorar los esfuerzos para futuros eventos colaborativos, virtuales o en persona.

“Fue realmente genial que las tres escuelas preparatorias y la comunidad, se unieran para idear una alternativa creativa a nuestro tradicional día de profesiones en persona”, dijo la Sra. Harryman. “Gracias a los socios de la comunidad que ofrecieron su día como voluntarios para compartir su experiencia con nuestros estudiantes, y a los maestros y al personal que trabajaron para que todo sucediera. Realmente aprecié cómo los estudiantes tomaron la oportunidad tan seriamente. Fue un gran día.” 

Gardner named next GAPS superintendent / Sr. Gardner nombrado como el próximo Superintendente de GAPS

Posted on: February 4, 2022

Gardner named next GAPS superintendent

The Greater Albany Public Schools Board of Directors has selected Andy Gardner as the district’s next Superintendent effective July 1, 2022. Current Interim Superintendent Rob Saxton will be complete his contract through June 30, 2022, and the pair will work together during the coming months for a smooth leadership transition.

“The board greatly appreciates the support we received from the community leading to the decision to hire Andy Gardner as superintendent,” said Board Chair Eric Aguinaga. “We are looking forward to Andy’s leadership and direction he will bring to GAPS. We would also like to thank Rob Saxton for leading GAPS and dedication to our community.”

Andy Gardner

Andy Gardner

Since 2010, Gardner has served as the Superintendent of North Santiam School District, which encompasses Stayton, Sublimity, Lyons, and Mehama. Prior to his current position, he was the Principal of Stayton Middle School (2007-2010) and of Sublimity School (2002-2007). He is a distinguished education leader who has spent his career with North Santiam School District.

Additionally, Gardner has served on several state-level workgroups including with the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) Vision and Policy Committee (2012-2017); COSA Superintendent Executive Council Member (2018-2021); Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) Executive Board Member (2012-2018); and several other committees.

I am honored and humbled that the GAPS community has selected me to serve,” said Gardner. “The process gave me the chance to meet many community members, and I am certain that the community and its schools are full of dedicated and talented people who want the best for the young people in Albany. I’m excited, and look forward to the work.”

The announcement of Gardner comes after the Board’s six-month search process with coordination and feedback from staff, parents and the community through the Superintendent Search Team, Stakeholder Survey, Stakeholder Meetings, Community Interview Team and the Final Interview process including stakeholder groups, candidate video and survey. 

“I have participated in a number of search processes over the course of my career and in my consulting work, and I’ve never seen a process that involved more community input and purposeful transparency on the part of the Board than this one,” said Interim Superintendent Rob Saxton. “In the end, the Board had two great candidates to choose from and decided on Andy Gardner. I am confident he will do a terrific job for the district.”

Sr. Gardner nombrado como el próximo Superintendente de GAPS

La Mesa Directiva de las Escuelas Públicas de Greater Albany ha seleccionado al Sr. Andy Gardner como el próximo Superintendente del distrito a partir del 1º de julio del 2022. El Superintendente Inte

rino actual, Sr. Rob Saxton, completará su contrato hasta el 30 de junio del 2022, y ambos trabajarán juntos durante los próximos meses para lograr una transición de liderazgo tranquila.

“La Mesa Directiva agradece enormemente el apoyo que recibimos de la comunidad que llevó a la decisión de contratar al Sr. Andy Gardner como Superintendente”, dijo el presidente de la Mesa Directiva, Sr. Eric Aguinaga. “Esperamos ansiosamente el liderazgo y la dirección que Andy traerá a GAPS. También nos gustaría agradecer al Sr. Rob Saxton por liderar a GAPS y su dedicación a nuestra comunidad”.

Desde 2010, el Sr. Gardner se ha desempeñado como Superintendente del Distrito Escolar North Santiam, que abarca los pueblos de Stayton, Sublimity, Lyons y Mehama. Antes de ocupar su cargo actual, fue director de la Escuela Secundaria Stayton (2007-2010) y de la Escuela Sublimity (2002-2007). Es un distinguido líder educativo que ha pasado su carrera en el Distrito Escolar North Santiam.

Además, Gardner se ha desempeñado en varios grupos de trabajo a nivel estatal, incluyendo el Comité de Políticas y Visión de la Confederación de Administradores Escolares de Oregón (COSA por sus siglas en inglés) (2012-2017); Miembro del Consejo Ejecutivo del Superintendente de COSA (2018-2021); Miembro de la Mesa Directiva Ejecutiva de la Asociación de Actividades Escolares de Oregón (OSAA por sus siglas en inglés) (2012-2018); y varios otros comités.

“Me siento honrado y humildemente agradecido de que la comunidad de GAPS me haya seleccionado para servirle”, dijo el Sr. Gardner. “El proceso me dio la oportunidad de conocer a muchos miembros de la comunidad y estoy seguro de que la comunidad y sus escuelas están llenas de personas dedicadas y talentosas que quieren lo mejor para los jóvenes de Albany. Estoy emocionado y espero ansiosamente el trabajo”.

El anuncio del Sr. Gardner se presenta después del proceso de búsqueda de seis meses de la Mesa Directiva, con la coordinación y los comentarios del personal, los padres y la comunidad a través del equipo de búsqueda del Superintendente, la encuesta de partes interesadas, las reuniones de partes interesadas, el equipo de entrevistas comunitarias y el proceso de entrevista final, incluyendo los grupos de partes interesadas, video de los candidatos y la encuesta.

“He participado en una serie de procesos de búsqueda a lo largo de mi carrera y en mi trabajo de consultoría, y nunca he visto un proceso que involucre tantos aportes de la comunidad y significativa transparencia por parte de una Mesa Directiva como esta”, dijo el Superintendente Interino Saxton. “Al final, la Mesa Directiva tuvo dos grandes candidatos para elegir y se decidió por el Sr. Andy Gardner. Confío en que hará un excelente trabajo para el distrito”.

Journalism Students Share Perspectives on AOS

Posted on: November 2, 2021

The following are opinion pieces written by some of the Ms. Bellando’s Journalism class on their experiences at AOS.

When people think of AOS, they think of the alternative school for “bad kids.” The students that go to AOS and the staff know that it is not. AOS has a wide variety of students with different strengths and weaknesses, but one thing that is common here is all the staff at AOS sees the potential in every student. Every staff member has faith in kids and helps them succeed.

Before I attended Albany Options, I was very pessimistic about my future after high school. I come from a low income household that can’t pay for college, but AOS has many opportunities to help students get to college. AOS has helped me realize that I am capable of much more than I think.

Tori TeemGoing to AOS is a clean slate; teachers at AOS don’t let your past determine who you are as a person. I was actually expelled from my old school for being in a fight, even though it was my first time getting in trouble. I was told I was “a danger at my school and to society.” I know that the one mistake I made did not determine who I was as a person. When I first came to AOS they were very welcoming and let me decide who I am and want to be.

Tori Teem is a Senior


Albany Options School is not one of your standard public schools. People have always stereotyped AOS as a school for “bad kids” or “delinquents.” Yes, there are kids who have been expelled that come to the school, but rather than it being a punishment, it’s a new step forward in the right direction, and to start a successful future.

At my old school I had a bad experience with my teachers. They only tried to help the kids who were well known or did sports. After trying to put in effort and getting none back, I got to the point where I didn’t see or care about my future, I had no friends, and I didn’t trust a single teacher.

Now that I’m at AOS I have improved drastically. I left my old school with a GPA no higher than a 2.0. Now that I’ve been at AOS working hard everyday, my GPA is a 3.83. Since the first day I was here I’ve always been accepted and understood for any emotions or frustrations I deal with in everyday life. Teachers and staff here at AOS are very flexible with different ways of learning and teaching.

Isabella RutlandIf I didn’t get the chance to come to AOS, I would still have under a 2.0 GPA and not be succeeding, but now I’m graduating a year early with a 3.83 GPA. Now I’m  looking forward to three years completely paid for from scholarships and being able to put in the effort to graduate early. I appreciate this school everyday for us all being a family and helping each other out.

Isabella Rutland is a Junior


Before coming to AOS, my high school experience was very bad. It was bad because I dropped out the first week of my freshman year. I actually got zero credits and had no motivation to stay on track, go to school, or even graduate. In addition, my anxiety was a big factor in me dropping out. My old school was absolutely no help with that. After dropping out, I gave up on myself  and had no hope. Then I came across the opportunity to come to AOS, not only because of the fact that I had no credits, but also because honestly it was a life changing decision for myself and my future. AOS has changed my life extremely, the way I look at myself, my grades, my outlook on my future, my motivation.

Before AOS, I was really depressed and would not come out of my room. I didn’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone because I knew I had let my parents down and didn’t know how to change that feeling. Then when I got accepted into AOS I was so excited to finally Corina Spencebe back in school and have my parents look at me with hope again. Now, with help and support from friends and teachers, I am doing way better and on track to graduate.

If it wasn’t for AOS, I would not be where I am right now. I can’t thank the teachers and staff here at AOS enough for their time, support, and devotion to the students at this school.

Corina Spence is a  Junior


My high school experience before I came to AOS wasn’t exactly positive. I truly hated waking up everyday and going to school. I would always get behind in piles upon piles of unfinished work. I felt as if no teacher truly cared, and when I tried asking for help, I was either laughed off or not acknowledged at all. Because of this, I completely lost interest in school. I went through a point in my life where I just didn’t care. If no one was going to help me or acknowledge that I was struggling, why should I put in the effort?
That point in time where I refused to do any work, feeling awful about myself, and flat out not attending class was definitely a low point in my life. I failed almost every class during the time of online school, I was severely behind in credits. And after realizing that, I promised to better myself and that first step was attending AOS.

My first impressions at this new school were nothing like any other. Every teacher and student around me was super friendly and inclusive. I finally felt like I had a voice in my education. No teacher left me in the dust, they all appreciate my participation and always offer to help on anything I get stuck on. Gone are the days of loathing the feeling of waking up and going to school. At AOS, every student gets that second chance they deserve at education.

I used to hardly raise my hand and speak my freshman year, and my sophomore was even worse. I never talked in class unless I absolutely had to. Now at AOS, I participate in every class, Trying to be the first one to always raise my hand. And my attitude towards school has never been better.

Avery ReynoldsThis school has given me, and every other student a chance at redemption for education. This school is truly a blessing for everyone attending. No student is left out, Left behind, or forgotten here at AOS and I am truly grateful and forever in favor of the wonderful staff here.

Avery Reynolds is a Junior


AOS Parent-Teacher Conferences

Posted on: October 26, 2021

Dear AOS Parents and Guardians,

Next month we will be holding conferences and would like to invite you to come meet with your student’s teachers.  We always look forward to the opportunity to discuss your student’s progress and accomplishments, and collaborate to find ways to help your student be more successful as needed.

In-person conferences (drop-in): 
Wednesday, November 10th
3:30-5:00, 5:30-8:30

Virtual conferences (call to schedule):
Friday, November 12th
7:30-12:00, 12:30-4:30

If you would like to attend virtually, we ask that you call our front desk ahead of time to schedule at: (541) 967-4563. The in-person conferences are drop-in and do not require scheduling ahead of time.

If you would like an interpreter for conferences, please call us at (541) 967-4563.

If you have any questions, please contact us (541) 967-4563 or at


Estimados padres y tutores de AOS:

El próximo mes tendremos conferencias y nos gustaría invitarlo a que se reúna con los maestros de su estudiante. Siempre esperamos la oportunidad de discutir el progreso y los logros de su estudiante, y colaborar para encontrar formas de ayudar a su estudiante a tener más éxito según sea necesario.

Conferencias en persona (sin cita previa)
Miércoles 10 de noviembre
3:30 a 5:00pm y 5:30 a 8:30 pm

Conferencias virtuales (llame para programar)
Viernes 12 de noviembre
7:30 a 12:00 pm y 12:30 a 4:30 pm

Si desea asistir virtualmente, le pedimos que llame a nuestra oficina con anticipación para programar una cita al: (541) 967-4563. Las conferencias en persona son sin cita previa y no es necesario programarlas con anticipación.

Si desea un intérprete para su conferencia, llámenos al (541) 967-4563.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros al (541) 967-4563 o a