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School Board honors Albany Options All-Stars

Posted on: February 28, 2017

On Monday, the School Board honored Student All-Stars from Albany Options HIgh School for their motivation, perseverance, growth, and school and community service.

Albany Options students (pictured from left) are:

Amber Scott
Amber is a senior at AOS. She is active with her church youth group. She has collected food and clothing for FISH of Albany, volunteered with the Special Olympics and at the annual carnival at North Albany Elementary each Halloween. She has also done a volunteer clean-up project at Periwinkle Elementary.

Madison Frederic
Maddie is a senior at AOS. She has been active with her school’s program that partners students with senior citizens at a nearby nursing home and with younger students across the street at Sunrise Elementary School. Additionally, Maddie has volunteered at the Albany Senior Citizen Center and with the annual Arts and Air Festival.

Not pictured:

Anessa Johnson
Anessa is a 10th grader at AOS. She has been an active member of her church youth group where she participated in food and clothing drives for FISH of Albany, helped with childcare responsibilities during church services and at vacation bible school. She volunteers at the Boys and Girls Club of Albany and has been an active part of the AOS Leadership class. Through this class, she helped raise money for support of families during the holidays.

Students Visit Portland Art Museum

Posted on: February 22, 2017

On Tuesday, February 21st, 30 students from Albany Options School went to Portland for
the day to visit the Portland Art Museum. The students were from Mrs. Harryman’s Ancient Civilizations history classes and Mrs. Gillispie’s Art Class. For many of the students this was the first time they had ever visited an art museum.

Students in the Ancient Civilizations history class were finishing up a unit on Ancient China, s
o they visited the museum’s Asian Art Exhibit, which includes a large collection of art and artifacts from the Han Dynasty. Many of the items in the exhibit were items found in the tombs, which were buried alongside the departed because it was believed they would serve the dead in the afterlife.

Work group develops plan for vocational (CTE) programs in bond proposal

Posted on: February 20, 2017

Vocational technical training, also known as Career Technical programs and applied learning, helps students learn about possible career paths and prepare for the workforce. These programs also increase the chance that a student will graduate.

The Oregon Department of Education has data that shows students are more likely to graduate if they participate in a vocational technical, or CTE, program:

According to the Oregon Department of Education, “The 2013-2014 four-year cohort graduation rate for CTE concentrators in Oregon was 85.7%; for all students (including CTE concentrators) it was 76.4%. An Oregon CTE concentrator is a student who has earned one or more credits in a technical skill course(s) within an Oregon state-approved CTE Program of Study.” 

Projects in Ballot Measure 22-165 would include remodeling existing classrooms and building new instructional space to allow hands-on activities in high-demand career fields.

A recent work group identified current and planned vocational technical education programs that would be added to all middle and high schools if the bond passes in May.

Read the program development report for more information.

Find more information about Ballot Measure 22-165.

AOS Students Compete in Chess Tournament

Posted on: February 15, 2017

Saturday, February 11th, students from Albany Options School participated in the Chess for Success Regional Tournament against other high school students from across the State. The tournament took place in Monmouth at Ash Creek Elementary School.

The students were from Mr. Corliss’ Game Theory and Strategy elective class. They did well and are now looking forward to participating in future tournaments as a result.