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First Ever AOS Students Attend University!

Posted on: October 10, 2018

In the history of Albany Options School (AOS) no student has been accepted to a four-year university, much less gone on to attend one. But AOS is all about “Why Nots?” Last Spring AOS had five students accepted into four-year universities with three currently attending Western Oregon University (the other two are attending LBCC). These three girls are first-generation college students in their families, and two of them were classified as homeless students. The three girls are majoring in Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Pre-Nursing.


¡Los primeros estudiantes de AOS asistirán a la universidad!

Publicado el: 10 de octubre del 2018

En la historia de Albany Options School (AOS) ningún estudiante había sido aceptado a una universidad de cuatro años, mucho menos comenzado a asistir a una.  Pero AOS se trata del “¿Por qué no?” La primavera pasada AOS tenía cinco estudiantes aceptados a una universidad de cuatro años, con tres actualmente asistiendo a Western Oregon University (los otros dos asistiendo al colegio comunitario LBCC).  Estas tres jóvenes son estudiantes universitarias de primera generación en sus familias y dos de ellas fueron clasificadas como estudiantes sin hogar. Las tres jóvenes se especializarán en Psicología, Justicia Criminal y Pre-Enfermería.

The Staff At AOS Ask “Why Not?”

Posted on: October 10, 2018

Albany Options School (AOS) is dedicated to providing students with a smaller learning environment, social and emotional stability, support, and a variety of programs and opportunities for students to meet their educational goals. In other words, AOS is all about asking “Why Not?” Why not get good grades? Why not graduate? Why not go to college or trade school? Why not achieve your dreams? They even created a short video exploring these and other Why Not questions:

El personal de AOS se pregunta:

“¿Por qué no?”

Publicado el: 10 de octubre del 2018

Albany Options School (AOS) está dedicado a proporcionar a los estudiantes un entorno de aprendizaje más pequeño, estabilidad social y emocional, apoyo y una variedad de programas y oportunidades para que los estudiantes alcancen sus objetivos educativos. En otras palabras, AOS se trata de preguntar “¿Por qué no?” ¿Por qué no obtener buenas calificaciones? ¿Por qué no graduarse? ¿Por qué no ir a la universidad o la escuela de carreras técnicas? ¿Por qué no lograr tus sueños? Incluso crearon un video corto que explora estas y otras preguntas de ¿Por qué no?:

School is out for summer!

Posted on: June 15, 2018

Happy summer vacation! School is out for summer break and will resume again in September. The District Office will be open all summer with Monday through Thursday summer hours in July. School offices will close in July and reopen in mid-August.

Find resources to help prepare for the 2018-19 school year in the School Resources section of the website.

See you in September!

¡La escuela está cerrada por el verano!

¡Felices vacaciones de verano! La escuela está cerrada por las vacaciones de verano y
se reanudará de nuevo en septiembre. La oficina del distrito estará abierta todo el
verano con horario de verano en el mes de julio de lunes a jueves. Las oficinas de las
escuelas cerraran en julio y volverán abrir a mediados de agosto.

Encuentre los recursos que le ayudaran a prepararse para el año escolar 2018-19 en la
sección deRecursos escolares del lugar en el internet.

Students can enroll now for summer courses through Albany Online

Posted on: June 14, 2018

Albany Online is offering a variety of courses this summer to help students recover credits or earn additional credits outside of the school year.

Enrollment is open now through June 29. Courses are $325 per .5 credit course.

For more information, call Albany Online at 541-967-4607.

See the flyer for more information.

Los estudiantes pueden inscribirse ahora para los cursos de verano a través
de Albany Online (cursos en el Internet)

Albany Online ofrece una variedad de cursos este verano, para ayudar a los estudiantes a recuperar créditos u obtener créditos adicionales fuera del año escolar.

La inscripción está abierta desde ahora hasta el 29 de junio. Los cursos cuestan $325 por curso de 5 créditos.
Para más información, llamar a Albany Online al 541-967-4607.

Ver el volante para más información.

Students Finish Year with Mini Sessions

Posted on: June 14, 2018

For the second year in a row, underclassmen have spent the last week of the school year participating in a week-long mini sessions class. This year the courses offered included Intro to Backpacking, Fanfiction Literature, Mock Trial, and Lego Robotics.

Intro to Backpacking

Hiking, zip lining, survival skills, shelter building, map reading…these are just a few of the things the students have been learning in the ‘Intro to Backpacking’ PE class Mrs. Mitchell and Ms. Fitzpatrick have been teaching. The students started out the week exploring Peavy Arboretum, where they had to use their mapping skills to get to a lake in the quickest time possible.

Other places tackled were Mary’s Peak, where students competed in shelter and fire building challenges, Spencer Butte, where students engaged in plant identification, OSU High Ropes Challenge course, and McDowell Creek.

Thank you to Oregon Freeze Dried for their generous donation of Mountain House Meals so students could experience what food true backpackers eat on the trail.

Fanfiction Literature

Fanfiction, or fan-created works about existing media, provides an easy entry point for reluctant readers or writers, as they are reading or writing about something they love.

Students went to see The Avengers: Infinity War to learn about plot structure and development. Using the film Black Panther, students rewrote scenes from the perspective of other characters. Students also read a variety of selected fanfictions.

Fanfiction takes a lot of research to do well, so students also visited the Valley Library at Oregon State University to find out more about researching, reading, and writing.

While there, they had lunch at American Dream Pizza in downtown Corvallis, where pizzas were generously donated by Mark O’Brien of American Dream.

Students produced their own fanfiction as part of their final.

Mock Trial

This year, Mr. Wolfe and Mrs. Roundy, taught a Mock Trial mini-session. Students

focused on a case about a shooting, where they had to become the lawyers and witnesses, requiring that they prepare opening statements, witness testimonies, cross examinations, and closing statements.

Students finished they week by presenting their side of the case, prosecution or defense, to a real-life jury of community adults and an audience in the Linn County Courthouse.

Students got to have a break from law as they enjoyed the carousel downtown on Monday. Then the Mock Trial class toured the jail with Officer Langley. It was a very interesting tour through the different cell blocks, towers, medical offices, laundry room, kitchen, and intake.

The class also visited the Linn County Courthouse to watch a custody trial and tour the courtroom where they would be holding their Mock Trial, and were able to meet with District Attorney Jonathan Crow.

Lego Robotics

This years Robotics course took on some new adventures. The students built and programmed robots that had to navigate different obstacle courses, The students were also able to build robots of their choosing. We had three groups build gyro-bots, that are on two wheels and have to self balance, one group built a dog that could bark, sit and stand, and we had one student build a crane that could pick up and move small objects.

We also took a field trip to the OSU College of Engineering, where we received a general tour that introduced us to all the different kinds of engineering. We also stopped in the Robotics Engineering Department to watch a PhD student test his program on the two-legged robot Cassie.